Bad Work Habits You Should Leave in 2018

12.05.18 | Company Culture, Employee Wellness

As the end of the year approaches, it’s time to start thinking about everything you want to accomplish in 2019. Whether it’s resolutions to be more productive, to work out more, or to spend more time with your family, the goal is to always do ‘more’ of what’s good for you. Sometimes it’s important to focus on what you should do less of, especially when it comes to these bad work habits.

Spending Time With Negative Nancy’s

Most people want to be liked and feel included. Often, especially in work settings, this can lead people to fall in with the negative crowds. The co-workers who are skeptical about everything and always have a snide comment to add. While it’s hard to distance yourself from these ‘cool kids,’ being away from the negativity is ultimately better for your productivity and your attitude.

Overeating Due To Stress

It’s hard to avoid stress at work, just like it’s hard to say no to cake in the breakroom. Often, these two overlap and even though you aren’t hungry, that day-old cake seems like the perfect way to cope with ongoing stress. This year, make a conscious effort to say no to eating when you aren’t hungry and find more productive ways to address the stress.

Eating Too Much Junk Food

Similar to overeating due to stress, it can be easy when you’re busy to opt for fast food on the go or a soda to boost you up. While these things are fine occasionally, too often they can leave you feeling tired and unproductive, which is the last thing you want at work.

Be more mindful of packing your food ahead of time, so the battle is half won at lunch time. Take time to purchase and pack food you enjoy, that will also boost your energy, so you can feel good, eat well, and say no to junk food temptations.

Being Late

Sometimes this is unavoidable, but it can also stem from a chronic inability to leave on time. In 2019, resolve to arrive on time – if not early – and start by giving yourself more time in the morning. When you rush and arrive to work late, your day has started in a scramble and that feeling of being on edge will stay with you throughout the day. Try waking up a little earlier to give yourself more time to prepare for your day, and arrive to work on time and ready to kick butt.

Complaining About Your Job

This year, don’t stay at your job if you aren’t satisfied. Take the plunge and find a new opportunity. If you’re looking for something new in light industrial, manufacturing, or clerical settings, partner with Workbox Staffing to make 2019 the year you change your life. We work with you to learn about your skills and where you want to go, to help find the perfect fit. Apply today and see how we can help your career continue to grow.