“6 Ways To Make Your Commute Less Miserable”

08.17.17 | Employee Wellness

I think we can all agree – commuting to work is making us miserable. Studies have shown that a long commute can have devastating effects on your health. Not only do you have to deal with the high stress of bumper to bumper traffic, but you also risk obesity and high blood pressure. To help, we put together a list of 6 tips that will make your commute a little bit less miserable. Don’t forget to share your tips in the comments below!

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Turn on some Mozart or Bach tomorrow morning and see how you feel when you get to the office. Listening to classical music on your drive to work can significantly lower your anxiety and improve your overall health.

< h3>2. CARPOOL< /h3>

Save some gas money and be less likely to get into an accident with a passenger in the car. Riding to work together can reduce traffic-related accidents by 22,915 per year. Not to mention the environmental benefits!


Get lost in one of the 50 best podcasts of 2017 or download an app like Duolingo, which teaches you a new language for free.

< h3>4. USE AN AIR FRESHENER< /h3>

When gridlocked traffic has you stressed out, try your best to relax with a lavender air freshener. Studies have shown that lavender can reduce anxiety and lower systolic blood pressure, helping you calm down. Check out these other healing scents that may help you feel better.


Face it: We’ve all been tempted to stop for fast food now and then. < i>My weakness? Tim Hortons on the way to the office. < /i>Skip the drive-thru and pack a bottle of water and some healthy snacks for your commute. Not only will you save time and money – you’re also preserving your health.

< h3>6. WEAR COMFY SHOES< /h3>

Pack a pair of comfy sneakers to throw on when you get out of work – your feet will thank you! Changing your shoes might also signal to your body that the work day is over and that it’s time to relax, setting yourself up for a comfortable ride home.