Job interviews can be stressful for both the candidate and the interviewer as it is usually the only time you can find out if someone is a fit for the job before you hire them. However, there are many options rather than meeting in person to get the information you need from them and find out if they are suited for the job.
Luckily in this new millennium, technology has advanced so much that we can have face-to-face meetings with potential candidates through Skype, Google Hangout, iPhone Facetime, and through other computer software services.
Here are some tips for interviewing job candidates online:
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Know the technology you’re using (and test it out before the interview): Remember that the candidates are interviewing you as well and you don’t want to lose a potentially great employee because you had a technical glitch that ruined the whole interview. As the interviewer, you want to come off as professional as possible even when meeting over the internet. and make sure the lighting is right in a way that you’re always visible.< /li>
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Send Instructions: Interviewees like to know what they are getting into as well, don’t forget to email them the day/time of the interview and what software they will need to download. Remind candidates that they should be in a room free of distractions, make sure their webcam works, and about how long the interview will take. Video interviews also require more attention to appearance depending on the quality of the technology. Many companies recommend that as that color seems to be the most complementary with webcams.< /li>
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Be aware of your body language: A person’s facial expressions and movements in front of the camera can say a lot about their personality, but you want to pay attention to your own as well. In using online video for job interviews, be sure to stay seated in a neutral position (not leaning back or too far forward) and don’t play with your pen or tap your foot (as that could make the candidate agitated). Just ask yourself, if you were on the other side of the screen, how would you want your interviewer to look?< /li>
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Keep it conversational: Rarely are these online meetings one-sided with the interviewer asking all of the questions. Even when done online, the tone should be conversational with both the candidate and interviewer asking questions of each other to figure out how well the dynamic will work into the open position. The, but then listen and react to what the candidate is saying. < /li>
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Be prepared: When conducting a job interview online, you want to prepare for it just as you would an in-person interview. Formulate your questions beforehand and maybe even hold a mock online interview with one of your coworkers to help realize some of the kinks. In preparing your questions, make sure to ask the candidate about their experiences relevant to the job or anything you are wondering.< /li>
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Conducting online video interviews can be intimidating, but if you are prepared, have tested your equipment, are professional, and relaxed, then hopefully it will be an excellent experience for you as well as the interviewee.