Set Your Career Goals for 2020…NOW!

12.03.19 | Professional Development

As the year winds down, it’s time to reflect and decide what you want to accomplish in the following 365 days. To give yourself the best chance at success, don’t wait until the final days of the year to determine what you want to do. Here are the best ways to begin setting your 2020 career goals now.

Make your list and check it twice

Sure, this sounds like a Santa Claus technique, but it works! When you make a list of goals that are too long and potentially unattainable, it can make you lose focus on everything else. Once you realize you won’t achieve them all, you stop working toward any.

Make a complete list of what you want to do, and then narrow it down. Ideally, a number around three is your best chance for success. This way, instead of spreading yourself thin to accomplish a lot of things, you’re giving your best effort to what matters most.

Set benchmarks to help you succeed

Three goals are good, but you want to figure out how you’re going to get there. By creating a plan with benchmarks along the way, you’re giving yourself a way to track the progress made and feel good on the journey instead of being disappointed the destination is so far away.

There are no steps too small for this – anything you can cross off toward a goal is a great way to feel like you’re getting closer.

Learn from those you envy

In most situations, the shade of envy is an unflattering color, but when applied appropriately, it can help you succeed. Consider people in your life who are doing what you want to do and achieving what you’d like to achieve. How are they doing it? What are they doing to improve? If you don’t know exactly how to start your goals, model the behaviors of someone who’s getting it right, which can begin to direct your steps.

Being 2020 with a new career

Maybe, after setting your goals, you realize a new career is your next step to success. If this is where you’re at, let Workbox Staffing help you take the next step and work with you to find a better tomorrow. Request a call today to get started!