Whether you’re saving for a big summer trip or just trying to make some extra cash, a part-time job is a great way to add to your bank account without a huge time commitment. You have the freedom to decide the kind of work you want to do and when you’re available to do it. If this sounds like a good idea to you, use the following tips below as your guide to finding a part-time job.
Start by Considering Your Options
There are a number of ways you can get part-time work, whether it’s a schedule you make yourself or one that’s made for you based on your availability. You can work in retail, rideshare, food delivery, restaurants and everything in between. Deciding what you’d want to do and when you’d want to do it enables you to begin your search.
Search Using Your Resources
When you’re actually looking for a new job, there are a number of ways you can find opportunities. The most used is going online and using a job board. Here, you can tailor your search to exactly what you’re looking for, whether it’s part-time, evenings, remote, etc.
Another option is the more old-fashioned approach: Finding jobs as they’re advertised locally by businesses. Pay attention to “Help Wanted” signs and see if help is needed somewhere close to you at a business you enjoy. In some cases, these jobs might be your best option and might not be listed online.
Finally, you can reach out to your network to see if they know about any opportunities. Maybe it’s a family looking for a sitter in the evenings or someone who needs their dog watched. One of your contacts may have an opening in their company for a part-time clerk.
Try Freelancing
Depending on your industry, passion or skills, freelance might be a good opportunity to explore. You set the hours and time you can commit and work only as much as you want. Not only is it a good way to earn some extra money, but it can also help you grow your skills and build your portfolio.
Work With a Staffing Agency
When you’re looking for a specific kind of work with part-time hours, a staffing agency is a great choice. At Workbox Staffing, we take the time to get to know you and your desires and match you with the perfect job, whether it involves clerical skills, warehouse operations, manufacturing or light industrial work. Search our job board today to begin your journey!