Are You Documenting Everything as a Manager? Maybe You Should Be

05.22.19 | Management Tips

Paperwork is a tedious part of anyone’s job but documenting certain things as an employer can save you time and money down the road. By having a record of your conversations with employees, you have the tools you need when you need them.

What should you document?

Certain records are documented through human resources, including employee records, incident reports, performance evaluations, policies, and procedures. In addition to those, you should document your own conversations with employees regarding their performance. Establishing these documents of record are essential to assist you in the performance management of your team.

How should you get started?

Start by creating files for all your employees, both the top and poor performers. The goal with these documents isn’t to simply monitor the employees who need more assistance but consistently track all employees. It’s important to develop a system that will help you in the recordkeeping process, which can laborious.

What is included?

Each new record should contain the following four pieces of information: the date, the subject of the conversation, what in particular was covered, and the next steps. With these recorded, you know exactly how your conversations went and what is now expected of the employee.

While this is helpful in documenting improvements, it’s also helpful in the case of termination. If you have to let an employee go and they argue it’s without cause, you have the records to indicate the chances they had to improve.

What should you do with the records?

Once you’ve written the report, follow up via email with the employee so they have a record for themselves. This can also help you because you have proof you and the employee were both aware of the details. Make sure you keep the emails you send and receive regarding the performance management documents as further records.

At the start, these will seem overwhelming to write, but ultimately, they exist to make your life easier. Should you face any lawsuits claiming one thing, you have the proper records to refute the claims. When it comes to evaluating performance at the end of the year, you have the reports already assembled to back up your thoughts about your employees’ growth.

Find the right candidates, easier.

Sometimes your performance management reports will show someone just isn’t where they need to be and it’s time for them to be replaced. Instead of being overwhelmed with the process, partner with Workbox Staffing. We know hiring its stressful, which is why we do the heavy lifting for you through our thorough vetting process. We’re a staffing agency that understands you need the right person in a role, not just a body on the payroll. Find a location near you and contact us today!